tolongni cn(tolo龙头)

春节期间,走亲串友难免餐桌应酬,合适的酒桌礼仪(Chinese drinking etiquette)能让你给人留下好的印象。

tolongni cn(tolo龙头)

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


从倒酒到喝酒,每一个环节都有讲究,尤其是敬酒(propose a toast)。汉语中还有许多和酒文化有关的俗语,例如“敬酒不吃吃罚酒”,字面意思是“refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit”,比喻“refuse a mild measure only to be resigned to a tough one”。


dà huǒ xiàng xīn niáng xīn láng jìng jiǔ


All of us drank a toast to the bride and bridegroom.


What to Say


干杯 gān bēi

在中国,默认的祝酒词是干杯,字面意思是“喝干杯中的酒”。与西方不同的是,每次祝酒后,你都要喝光杯里的酒,或者至少尽你最大的努力。The default toast in China is ganbei (干杯, cheers) which literally means "dry cup." And unlike in the West, you\'ll be expected to empty your cup after each toast given, or at least give it your best effort.

tolongni cn(tolo龙头)


wèi péng yǒu men de jiàn kāng gān bēi !


Here\'s to the health of our friends -- to your health!

“干”在中文里有“喝光(drink up)”的意思,例如:

tā yī kǒu qì gān le liǎng bēi bái pú táo jiǔ


She sank two glasses of white wine.

tolongni cn(tolo龙头)

随意 suí yì

随意,本意是“任凭自己的意思”。“随意”在祝酒时等同于“干杯”,表示你希望在座各位想喝多少就喝多少。随意 literally translates to "at will" or "as one pleases." But with regards to giving a toast, it also means "cheers." This toast indicates you want each person to drink as he or she wishes.


What to do


宴会上最资深的主人会最先敬酒。在正式场合敬酒时,如果桌上的其他人站起来举杯,你也要这么做。The most senior host at a banquet will offer the first toast. Stand and raise your glass for formal toasts when others at the table do so.

tolongni cn(tolo龙头)

不要独酌,你应该等到祝酒后再和大家一起喝酒。Do not drink alone; you should wait until a toast is given and then drink with the group.

给别人倒杯酒是一种礼貌的举动。Refilling someone\'s glass for them is a polite gesture.

tolongni cn(tolo龙头)

Photo by Terje Sollie from Pexels

宾主的座位是根据身份和资历安排的。向左右两边的人敬酒碰杯。在第一轮祝酒之后,可以在桌子周围走动,向其他人敬酒。Guests and hosts will be sat according to status and seniority. Offer your toast to the people on either side of you and then clink glasses. After the initial round of toasts, people may move around the table to offer toasts to others.

向上司或比你地位更高的人敬酒时,把你的杯子放在比他们的稍低的位置碰杯。When toasting someone your senior or of higher status, hold your glass slightly lower than theirs to clink.

Source: Tripsavvy, Thoughtco

Editor: Jade


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