
Have you ever received any irrational request? If so, what did you do?

Yes,I have.I suppose that each of us receives many requests from others. Request comes in two types, namely rational and irrational. As we all know, it\'s not easy to say no at work, nor is it easy to say no in our daily life. How could such a thing happen? The reason for the former case is that we all have desire to perform well at work,so we can accept the various requests, such as work overtime and night shift,even often without a day off for weeks. For the latter,we just can\'t put our vanity down or we are too kind to say no.

I\'ve received many irrational requests, sometimes,I just didn\'t want to alienate myself from the group. Most of the time,I was afraid of offending someone or I felt bad turning down their requests,and therefore I ended up hurting myself or was caught in a dilemma. For instance,one of my good friends borrowed money from me,and promised to pay back the money on the due date,but it turned out he broke his promise and eluded me purposely,I was too embarrassed to ask him to pay me back,even more exasperating is that he dared to pester me to lend him money. These irrational requests would be sheer torture to me. Since then I\'ve come to realize that we must learn to say no to irrational requests.


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