

>Virus pushing smokers to quit


Smokers have become more willing to quit amid the COVID-19 outbreak as health becomes the first priority, according to a recent survey and related studies by Fudan University\\'s Health Communication Institute in Shanghai. 上海复旦健康传播研究所最近的一项调查和相关研究显示,新冠疫情期间,健康成为人们最关心的事,烟民们戒烟意愿变得强烈。

The online survey, which was published on Saturday ahead of this year\\'s World No Tobacco Day on Sunday, showed that around 18% of respondents said they had a stronger willingness to quit smoking after the epidemic outbreak, and 14% said they had attempted to abandon smoking in recent months. 5月31日是今年的世界无烟日。这项5月30日公布的线上调查显示,约18%的受访者表示在疫情暴发后戒烟意愿更强烈,14%的受访者表示最近几个月已尝试戒烟。

The average number of cigarettes smoked per day decreased from 14.2 to 13.5, according to the survey, which had nearly 1,500 respondents from 31 provincial-level regions. 这项对来自31个省级区域的近1500名受访者进行的调查显示,烟民日均吸烟量从14.2支下降至13.5支。

The top three reasons to reduce smoking were a higher awareness of health during the epidemic; the inappropriateness to smoke at home during isolation; and the inconvenience of smoking as one is required to wear a mask outdoors.其减少吸烟的三大原因为:疫情期间的健康意识更高、居家隔离期间不适合吸烟、以及在户外戴口罩吸烟不方便。

US President Donald Trump delivers a statement on the ongoing protests over racial inequality in the wake of the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, June 1, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Trump vows forceful response


US President Donald Trump called himself the "president of law and order" in a Rose Garden address as military police were firing tear gas into peaceful protesters near the White House on Monday evening. Trump announced that he is taking immediate action to "stop the violence and restore security and safety in America". 美国总统特朗普6月1日晚在白宫玫瑰园发表讲话,自称是"法律和秩序的总统",还宣布他将立即采取行动"制止暴力,恢复美国的安全与保障"。就在特朗普发表讲话的同时,警方向白宫附近的和平抗议者发射了催泪弹。

"I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian or military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and protect the rights of law-abiding Americans," the president said. 特朗普说:"我正在动员所有可用的联邦资源,包括民事和军事资源,以停止骚乱和抢劫,以结束破坏和纵火,并保护守法的美国人的权利。"

Trump said that he has "strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers so that we dominate the streets". 特朗普还说,他"强烈建议每一位州长部署足够多的国民警卫队,控制街头"。

The president said that if cities or states refuse his directives, "I will deploy the US military and quickly solve the problem for them."如果某个城市或州拒绝采取行动,他将直接派联邦军队镇暴。

Picture released on Aug 23, 2016 by the lunar probe and space project center of Chinese State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence shows the concept portraying what the Mars rover and lander would look like. [Photo/Xinhua]

>China\\'s first Mars mission


China plans to launch its first Mars exploration mission, Tianwen-1, between July and August, said Bao Weimin, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Science and Technology Commission at the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, as he shared details about the mission with CCTV. 中国科学院院士、航天科技集团科技委主任包为民近日在接受央视采访时分享了我国首次火星探测任务的许多细节。包为民表示,"天问一号"火星探测器发射任务将在今年7-8月间实施。

The Mars probe will be within the gravitational potential field of Mars next February, and will enter the orbit of Mars once captured by the planet," Bao said. 火星探测器将于明年2月到达火星的引力势场以内,再经过火星的捕获就可以进入火星的循环轨道。

According to the plan, the Mars probe will release a rover after a soft landing on the planet, and the rover will stay on Mars for 90 Mars days, on a variety of missions, including reconnaissance and exploration of the Martian landscape.根据计划,探测器在火星表面软着陆后会释放火星车。火星车将在火星表面停留90个火星日,开展巡视探测、火星地貌特征研究等多项任务。

Cars run on the New Shougang Bridge in Beijing, capital of China, Sept 29, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

>New car plate lottery policy


The government of Beijing said on Monday the city\\'s competitive car plate lottery policy will be altered to benefit families that don\\'t already have a car by providing 20,000 new-energy vehicle plates in the second half of 2020, and introducing a new system to increase the acceptance rate. 北京市政府6月1日称,该市汽车摇号政策将作出调整,向"无车家庭"倾斜,今年下半年该市将增发2万个新能源汽车指标,并将推出新系统提高以家庭为单位摇号申请者的中签倍率。

With more applicants in Beijing, the acceptance rate in the plate lottery has been increasingly low. 随着北京车牌摇号申请者数量的增加,摇号中签率越来越低。

Some households have more than one license plate, while some have none. 有些家庭有不止一个车牌号,另一些家庭则一个都没有。

According to the results of the latest plate lottery released in late April, over 1.84 million people have tried their luck, but only 6,366 were successful. 根据4月底发布的北京市最新车牌摇号结果,超过184万人参与摇号,仅6366人中签。

Many joked that the rate is lower than the acceptance rate for Harvard University, which is about 4%. 许多人笑称这中签率比哈佛大学约4%的录取率还要低。

Experts said this first loosening policy since the plate lottery started in Beijing in 2011 will improve social justice regarding resource allocation, as well as promote consumption and stimulate the economy. 专家称,这是自2011年北京开始实行车牌摇号政策以来,该政策首次有所放宽,这将改善资源配置的社会公平性,还将促进消费、刺激经济。

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