


Your counter proposal on the above re nced projoct has beer

reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.

We are enclosing an executed copy of the agree ment along with

We are enthusiastic lly looking forward to this project and ar

eased about having the apport nity to work together.



To: [Customer]

We are in rece ipt of your order as contained in the attached

purchase order for m. We confirm acceptance on said ord

subject only to the following exceptions: [Describe]

On c

n exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree to same

unle ss objection is received within ten days of receipt of this

notioe, Thank you for your patronage

ry truly.



To: [Customer]

We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your arder

of_, 19. The goods will be shipped to you in the following

lots: [Specify lots and delivery schedule.

We reque st that payme nt be made as each lot is reoeived

ry truly.


Attached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security

nt for the Specify equipmentl

Thare are [number] remaining quarterly payments.Your

first quarterly payment wil be due on [date], and we will mail

you an invoice for it approximate ly one month prior to that date.

Please return the remittance portion of the invoice with your


Under the Agreemant. this contract is non-cancellabl

during the term of the contract. The balance, however, can bo

We would like to take this opportunity to express our

appreciation for your business If you have any quest ions

concerning your contract, or if we can be of service to you in

ny way, please let us kno


It is with deep reg ret. that ve accept your re signation

post ion] of the [organization

We can appreciate the demands that this position ha

placed on you, and appreciate all of the fine contribut ons you

ve made as [positio


been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you

wi ll be hearing from him in the near future.

am pleased that you found our article in formative and hope

that you wis continue to read our publ cation. Should you have

any comme nts or questions in the future, plase do not hesitate

to write to this office

We value our readership and are proud to have

mber of our family of subscribers.



We appreciate your inte re st in being employed by our firm

We regret to inform you, however, that the available

position[s] has been filled, and we cannot give your applicat ion

further consideration at the present time.

Your application will be kept on file for future

chou l an opening arise

ery truly



of the


iled to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of

your order for thoee items which are back ordered.

We wil be issuing you a re fund as soon as we have

completed the necessary paperwork for your account

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for

shopping through [name l Our new Specify] catalog shoul be

arriving at your home shortly, and I believe you will be pleased

by some of the beautiful choices our buyers have made this


Thank you for your patie nce and unde rstanding and for

provid ing us with the opportu nity to be of service to you.


Thank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your

order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas


We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise, and

ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot proride you

with a specific shipping date at this time

Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter.


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