
China Post issued a set of stamps featuring the Palace Museum on July 11, 2020, with a total face value of 11.40 yuan.[Photo/Xinhua]

>New stamps for Forbidden City


China Post issued a set of four stamps and a miniature sheet on Saturday to mark the Forbidden City\'s completion\'s 600th anniversary and the 95th anniversary of its opening as the Palace Museum.


The set of four stamps depict iconic structures, including the stone bridges across the Golden River; Zhonghe Dian, or the Hall of Central Harmony; and Qianqing Gong, or the Palace of Heavenly Purity. The stamps also feature Qianqiu Ting, or the Pavilion of Immortality, in the Imperial Garden.


The miniature sheet features a stamp of the Forbidden City\'s floor plan to show the site\'s symmetrical layout.


First officially occupied by the imperial court in 1420, the Forbidden City served as the royal palace of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, experiencing many critical moments in Chinese history.


The UNESCO World Heritage site is also the world\'s biggest and best-preserved royal compound featuring wooden buildings.


Its current role as the Palace Museum, which opened to the public in 1925, enables its rich art and history to enthrall visitors from around the world.


US President Donald Trump wears a mask while visiting Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, US, July 11, 2020. [Photo/Agencise]

>Trump wears mask in public


US President Donald Trump was seen wearing a mask while visiting a military hospital near Washington, DC, on Saturday, the first time he did so on camera since the coronavirus pandemic broke out in the country.


"I think when you\'re in a hospital especially in that particular setting, where you are talking to a lot of soldiers, people that in some cases just got off the operating table, " the president said, "I think it\'s a great thing to wear a mask."


Trump has been refusing to wear a mask himself since the pandemic broke out, citing his good health and frequent negative tests for the virus.


Even Republican lawmakers have advised him to do so publicly so as to curb the spread of the contagion.


More than 20 states in the country have now mandated wearing face coverings in public.


A worker checks a vehicle at an auto plant in Changchun, Jilin province, July 3, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>GDP to return to growth in Q2


China\'s economy may return to the expansion mode from the second quarter after a sharp contraction in the first quarter, experts said.


The country is scheduled to release a set of key economic data this week on second-quarter GDP, trade, investment, industrial production and retail sales.


Most economists expect the country\'s GDP growth rate to turn positive in the second quarter with some projecting growth as high as 3%, a sharp rebound from the 6.8% contraction in the previous quarter.


The optimistic views reinforced expectations that China\'s economic recovery will continue in the coming quarters, driven by further improvement of domestic demand and investment along with continuous policy support in key areas including employment and corporate operations.


Armed policemen move sand bags for dyke reinforcement in Poyang county, East China\'s Jiangxi province, July 12, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Rivers see surging water levels


Major rivers and lakes in China have seen their water levels rise due to continuous downpours.


In Hubei province, as of 7 am on Sunday, water at six rivers and three lakes had exceeded the warning level after heavy rains continued to lash the province, said the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters. Hubei\'s nine major reservoirs have also exceeded safe limits.


According to the local emergency management department, as of 7 am on Sunday, intense rains since Friday had affected 58,200 people, displaced 1,220, and caused direct economic losses of 60.34 million yuan in the cities of Jingmen, Xiaogan, and Huanggang.


Meanwhile, Poyang Lake, China\'s largest freshwater lake located in Jiangxi province, has seen its water level rise to a record high on Sunday, according to the provincial department of water resources.


At around 12:00 am on Sunday, the water level at the lake\'s Xingzi hydrological station rose to 22.53 meters, 0.01 meters higher than the record in 1998, and continued going up, said the department. So far, 34 hydrological stations in the province have seen water currents exceed warning levels.


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